Super Solid Circle-to-Square Granny



I have been looking! And I could NOT find a truly solid granny square. They all had holes. Some in the middle. Some in the corners. Some all over!

And I am making a sweet baby blanket (with a jungle theme– so exciting!) I want a nice, soft, no-holes blanket to cover little baby fingers and toes and on which to sew my appliques.

So I wrote my own.

Super-Solid Granny Circle-to-Square
Hook sz 5mm, worsted weight yarn

Rnd 1:Ch 3, dc 11 on chain furthest from hook. Join. 12 dc
Pull starting string tight to close center.
Rnd 2:Ch 3, dc in same stitch. Two dc in each stitch around. Join. Finish off. 24 dc
Join next color with slip stitch in any stitch.
Rnd 3:Ch 3, dc in same stitch. One dc in next stitch. Two in next. Repeat around. Join. Finish off. 36 dc
Join next color with slip stitch in any stitch.

Rnd 4: Ch 2. Hdc in next 3 stitches. *Dc in next. 2 dc in next. (Dc, trp, dc) in next stitch– this is your corner. 2dc in next. Dc in next. 4 hdc in next 4 st. Repeat from * around. Join. Finish off.
Join next color in any stitch except corner stitches.
Rnd 5: Ch 3. Dc across to corner (the corner is the dc, trp, dc from rnd 4). In top of corner dc– dc twice. In top of trp– dc, trp, dc. In top of dc– dc twice. Dc across in each stitch to next corner.

Increase to desired size, repeating Rnd 5.


Happy hooking!